Customer Testimonals

This is the page where you will find some great catches, and the stories to show what people think of their experience with the Gracely Baits.

"I was testing out the gracely 3 piece prototype. I was making a couple of casts to get a feel for the bait. 3rd cast in, I manage fool a good one. No eyes, no paint, got the job done with the right fish"
- Nick K

"The day I received my first Shat!
With anxiety through work all day waiting for this bait I got the alert it was delivered. I no joke ran home grabbed the bait and headed to the lake. It only took 2 cast to learn both retrieval speeds and cadences. Boy was it on every cast I had a chase I watched this fish circle around for 10 mins maybe longer, I flipped the shat on the edge of the bait I knew was below
The surface started burn twitching it like a jerk bait and boom all hell broke loose he finally took. It by no means was my pb but one of the most beautiful and more fired up ones I’ve hooked I cannot wait to break the state record on this bait."
- Matt F

"The Shat may be the most versatile bait on the market! Burn it, chop it, do wide glides or even work it like a jerk bait. This 7 pounder was sitting over a brush pile with another fish the same size and had already turned down a larger glide and a few other baits.. once I got the Shat in front of them they both fought over this bait, something unlike they had seen before!"
- Garrett H

I’ve been fishing the Finesse Gill since the first drop and stuck so many bass off the bank. I got lucky with a drop on the SHAT and instantly knew it was a hog catcher. When I pulled up to the laydown,  I tossed the SHAT, hugging the weeds and wood. I let it sink and gave it two twitches and BOOM! Set the hook and thought I hooked the wood, but saw the line zoom right and said GAME ON! She gave me a fight from hell but managed to net the 7.5 SHAT eater. Don’t miss out on true fish magnets and proven baits 😈 #anotheroneshatON

- Matteo S

"I got into swimbaits about 2 years ago and in the beginning I was skeptical. I thought I’m spending a lot of money for these baits, when my lil 2$ worm from the local tackle shop works fine. Then I got myself an affordable 100$ bait known as The Gracely finnese gill and everything changed. I threw it in the water and I almost jumped in after it, it looks so real and is the perfect bait fish size. Then I took my finnese gill to a place I knew had decent fish, the rest is history. I walked up on the water and saw a decent size fish about 2 feet out from the bank. I threw my finnese gill right in front of him and it wasn’t even in the water but two seconds and I had him. My pb fish with the most perfect little bait I could ask for"
- Dustin M

I fish the Texas hill country where you can see the fish 30-40 yards away, iv been to this spot numbers of times and there’s an area where I’ve seen some giants around a cypress tree trunk that came down during a flood but could never get them to commit to my bigger swimbaits so June 25 I decided to go back out there and I seen this big shadow just cruising my first thought was to pick up my wake Walker but I remembered I had the finesse gill tired on my other rod so I picked it up and bombed a cast pasted it and burned it back to the fish and cause her to strike at and missed then I seen a second shadow come out of the cypress stump and inhale the gill  so I lean into the fish and my kayak starts goin towards some more cypress trees and I had a rod sitting in front of me with a top water lure tied on so I reach for that rod to get it out way so it wouldn’t snag up all while still trying to fight the fish and the lure wrapped my line so I clicked the spool release and set it down to grab my net cause I didn’t wana lose the fish or run into all the trees before I could land it but once that fish was in the net I was beyond excited to finally get a big fish to eat out of that stump she went 5.2lbs and 22.25” not my biggest but definitely one of the most memorable!!
- Abel C.

"Where my wife and I fished in Colorado there was a river that circled around the lakes. Periodically we would see some nice trout caught my fly fisherman, but never thought to fish the river. This night however there were so many trout busting on baitfish; we had never seen anything like this before. We watched for a little while trying to get an idea what the size of the bait were. Luckily for me I had my first ever Gracely Finesse Gill in my backpack. I used it as a topwater “spook” or “pencil popper”. I had a few swipes but couldn’t hook up. Then right at our feet this beautiful fish exploded on the Gracely. One of the hardest fighting fish I’ve had the pleasure to catch! The Brown Trout came in at 4lbs 10oz. She was caught on December 17th, and the outside air temp was 21 degrees."
- Gavin H

"I picked up the full size Gracely Gill in May 2023 and was immediately impressed by the versatility of the bait. You can get the bait to chop and glide by altering the cadence of reel bumps. This bass smashed the gill after giving the bait a chop, chop, pause action - stoked!"
- Steven C

"Thegracelybaits finesse gill is a truly amazing bait. This bait alone has put up tons of multiple fish days for me. Once you figure out how the fish want this bait it hard to not get bit. You just got to find water with fish in it and they will bite."
- Blake T.